lundi 7 novembre 2022
dimanche 30 octobre 2022
Judo 30 minutes de Ne Waza avec Aneemane Soueidan
Aneemane Soueidan
relation de 3e niveau3eTechnical Sport Head Manager at UAE JUDO FEDERATION
Master, BEES 2nd Degree / Jodo & Ju-Jitsu
à CREPS Bordeaux
Lieu : Bordeaux, France
National Certificate for Sport Instructor and Sports center directors. Specialisation Judo & Ju-JitsuTechnical Sport Head ManagerTechnical Sport Head Manager
UAE JUDO FEDERATIONUAE JUDO FEDERATIONdéc. 2013 - aujourd’hui · 9 ans 2 moisdéc. 2013 - aujourd’hui · 9 ans 2 moisAbu Dhabi, UAEAbu Dhabi, UAE- o International Management : Technical Head of UAE Judo Federation and NOC Department - organizing international training programs and trips for the national team and coaches, selecting the international championships according to yearly targets, preparing the training season with schedules and worksheets, selecting the needed tools for international training and implementing them, arranging invitation for VIP guests and sensei from abroad, follow-up on improvements of elite students for international games.
o National Management : Manager for all training centers in UAE - preparing the national training programs for coaches to be applied in UAE, selecting and ordering the needed material, random audit on the programs implemented and providing corrective action plans, implementing and managing monthly training camps for coaches, follow-up on improvements of potential elite students to be selected to participate to national and international trainings and championships, participating in the recruitment of new coaches.
o Marketing coordinator : participating in the national and international events and TV shows to advertise the Judo in UAE, participating in TV and Radio interviews regarding the national and international competitions, selecting and ordering the official equipment and sport wears for the international team, building booklets for training and promoting in UAE the Judo sport.
o Financial coordinator : preparing the budget for international trips and events (trainings, competitions, …), negotiating prices on technical and advertising equipment with suppliers, follow-up with the accountant on the budget and expenses, financial analysis on the gap between forecasted and actual expenses - action plans to be implemented to achieve the targets without exceeding the expenses budgeted, analyze on the return on investment (ROI).
dimanche 3 juillet 2022
stage d'arbitrage organisé 2022
Le club A.P.R.S a répondu présent au 1er stage d'arbitrage organisé par la ligue région Rabat Salé Kenitra de judo et art assimilés à la salle couverte à de Rabat le dimanche 03 juillet 2022 et on reçu en fin de stage un brevet à ce titre
dimanche 26 juin 2022
mercredi 1 juin 2022
Le club A.P.R.S de Judo - Karaté tek-Wan-do et Kick boxing à l'honneur et félicite
ces adhérents ci-dessous pour leur exploits à la compétition régional 2022
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Aneemane Soueidan relation de 3e niveau 3e Technical Sport Head Manager at UAE JUDO FEDERATION Master, BEES 2nd Degree / Jodo & Ju-J...